29 weeks pregnant and not eating

I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant and for the last week I have barely been eating. I have been having 3 cups of tea a day and drinking 2L of water, but I have probably been consuming about 800 calories in two meals. This has been pasta with salad cream, cereal and milk, Yorkshire puddings with gravy, egg on toast or a bowl of boiled potatoes. Before anyone says “just eat” I can’t afford to. I am taking my pregnancy vitamins like normal, but I won’t be able to buy more food until next Friday and my food is slowly running out. I am ashamed I have gotten to this point with 31p in my account when a few months ago I used to have a £18K job. I don’t know what to do. There’s no one I can borrow money from and even if I did, I wouldn’t be able to repay them.

My family haven’t supported me since I was 16, I’ve told them I am pregnant and not one of them is bothered. My partner left me when I was 12 weeks pregnant and moved to Germany to be with a different woman, and then I lost my job. My immediate friends all have stuff going on in their lives so I am literally stuck, I don’t know what to do. I have taken out a social loan and that has gone on buying stuff for the baby, and a surestart Grant got rejected for whatever reason