Question about formula

So last month I started supplementing i started with similac advance , I gave it to her for about 5 to 6 days and then switched to similac sensetive because I noticed she was gassy well she drank 3 oz of it but about 3 hours later she started screaming and crying in pain for almost an hour my mom said it was colic , we gave her drops I believe they were gas drops she burped alot and went to sleep. So this happened almost a month ago I right away stopped giving her formula completely but now I want to start giving her a bottle a day , I went and bought the same formula I started her with ( she had no problems with it other than the gas ) but i'm scared she will get colic again. Do you ladies think it would be okay or not ? Any comments would help. I will be asking her doctor this but her appointment isn't for another week and a half .

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