Husband watches porn

I was kind of hoping to get some input here. When my new husband (of 4 months) and I started dating 2.5 years ago, he initiated a very serious discussion about his struggle with porn. We were only dating for 2 weeks at the time so I really appreciated his honesty. It’s been a constant battle for him and it’s a habit that’s been on and off for different lengths of time during our entire relationship to date. He had stopped for about 2 months before we got married and was able to stay away for the following 4 months until a few days ago. He has been incredibly open with me on the occasion that he’s watched something even remotely iffy and initiates the conversation if it happens.

If I thought I felt bad when he was watching porn before our marriage, it’s nothing compared to how I feel now. Do you consider it cheating? Anyone have any advice for either of us? Any and all help is appreciate as we both know this is nothing but bad news for his heart as a child of God.