Positivity for all women

I want positivity for fat girls - your stretch marks, muffin tops, and everything else make you beautiful

I want positivity for skinny girls - girls who are made fun of for not having curves, thick thighs or a thick butt, and who get belittled for having a flat chest - your body is not the extent of your beauty

I want positivity for trans women - whether you transitions or not, you deserve to feel safe and comfortable in your own skin

I want positivity for gay/pan/bi/ace/ect women - who may have been victims of hate crimes for openly loving who they want, you deserve a safe world where you can marry the love of your life

I want positivity for women with physical and emotional scars - women who suffer from past trauma or PTSD from sexual/physical/emotional abuse, what happened to you wasn’t your fault and you will live fully again

I want positivity for women of color - not only

lightskin girls, but women with an extremely dark complexion, your skin color should be embraced and worn proudly

I want positivity for disabled women - whether physically or mentally, you deserve all the help you can get, but also to be treated with respect

I want positivity for non-European women - women who’s features get make fun of for not being like women in the media, your nose, lips, mono-lids, accent, body build are a part of your culture and deserve to be normalized