Our family is complete


Our induction was scheduled for 6am on October 31st, one week after our due date. When we arrived at labor and delivery that Wednesday morning I had been experiencing early labor since Saturday evening. Upon arrival I was having contractions every twelve minutes and I was dilated 4cm and 90% effaced. I was started on a pitocin infusion at 8:42 am. By the time I received my epidural at 10:12am I was dilated to 7cm and 100% effaced. I was exhausted by this point so I decided to take a nap. A bit before noon I was woken by the nurse and told they were going to get the midwife to break my water. When the midwife checked me she said that I was going to push as soon as she broke my water because baby girl was already ready to come out. My water was broken and I gave a good push, baby's head crowned and I was given the opportunity to feel her head. I pushed again when my next contraction came delivered our beautiful little girl into the world. She was immediately placed on my bare chest and her cord was left intact until it no longer pulsed. Daddy cut her cord and we were given two hours to recover and enjoy skin to skin and breastfeeding with our precious baby girl before we moved to the mother and baby unit. After our two hours we finally gave our nurse baby and she preformed her standard testing. We found that our bundle of joy weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and is 20 inches long.

We enjoyed the rooming in at our hospital and our daughter remained in the room for our entire stay aside from the 10 minutes she was in the nursery for a procedure to correct her "tongue tied" frenulum. Overall it was an amazing experience and I am glad we decided to bring homemade cupcake candles and chocolates to thank our hospital staff because they deserved it and so much more.