Preterm Labor post. Get your popcorn ready ladies it's a long one! 🍿


So Friday 11/2 was my usual day at work. Had been having what I thought were braxton hicks all morning. Could still walk, talk, and function through them so went on with my morning. Around 10am I thought ok they are not spacing out anymore maybe I should call the ob triage nurse and get her point of view. (I have a history of preterm birth) I called she said the usual we all get drink 2 bottles of water take some tylenol and she would call back in an hour and see if any change. Of course no change so was told to head to Labor and Delivery. I live in a smaller town that is not equipped with a NICU our nearest NIC unit is Indianapolis which is 1hr and 30min drive for us. Get to my local hospital do all the monitoring cervix checks and wowzers I'm at a 3.5cm dilated and contracting every 1 to 3 mins but I'm not in a lot of pain. Well stuff starts to get real....real fast lol I'm contracting too much for an ambulance ride but they wanted to get me more stable before putting me in a stat flight. So if any of you mommas have done this before you know what's coming next......yep magnesium sulfate 😱😱😱. So dealt with that for about 15 mins got steriod shot and terbutaline shot sorry if the spelling is incorrect. About that time I'm coming down off the magnesium here pop in my stat flight guys all ready to fly to indy! At this point I'm a nervous wreck so is the poor hubby I'm making him a last min list of what all to grab. We kiss, say our goodbyes and off my support goes as I'm about to be loaded into a helicopter. 25 min ride and I make it to Indianapolis continued small amounts of magnesium which made me very nauseated last night but my wonderful nurses kept it under control after trying 3 different medicines. Still contracting just not as bad. Laying here waiting for a doctor to see what the next steps are. I failed to mention I'm 34 weeks and 1 day. One of those ready or not it's going to happen situations. Just staying positive and enjoying my final days of being pregnant! 🤰💕 Thanks for reading ladies I know it was a long one!