Confession time.

So I am staying on ANON for a reason.

But I’ve been engaged since October of last year, and my relationship isn’t healthy at all. I get yelled at for having pneumonia and needing to go to the hospital at 1am because I can’t breathe and needed medical attention. I get yelled at for wearing make up, I get yelled at for wearing leggings, i get screamed at for talking to my friend I’ve know since 4th grade who’s a guy. I can’t take the emotional abuse anymore. I’ve called the police when he was yelling at me and they didn’t do anything. I even told them I don’t feel safe here. I get told that because I have 2 jobs that I’m going to run myself into the ground and be unhappy, i get yelled at when I’m struggling mentally. I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t have my own car because nobody will help me out by co-signing and I was told that when I get my own car I’m not allowed to go anywhere without letting him know where I’m going and how long I’ll be out for. I’m not allowed to hang out with friends alone, I’m not allowed to go out with my mother alone, I’m not even allowed to shower or shit alone. I’m trapped I really am. My moms car is in the shop and will be for a few more weeks, and I just really wanna leave an I can’t 😭😭😭

I have nowhere to go, I have no support system, and my friends don’t drive. Like what am I supposed to do?! I still love this man but I’m not in love with him anymore. I don’t wanna be in an abusive relationship anymore. It’s taking such a terrible toll on me. I try and get him help he needs because he has anger issues and he refuses the help. He refuses any help I try to get him...

I just really really needed to vent.