Best bday present in my life !!!


Okayyyy soooo , i was having a wacky period (i was on for 2 weeks but its only supposed to last a week) anywhoo i noticed it was weird but didnt look much into it and then outta nowhere i got friends saying they have a feeling im pregnant and all this other stuff so im like whaaa ?!! stop playing, my ob/gyn said that my uterus is tilted and all my reproductive organs are pushed back so i thought i had to have surgery in order to have a baby so im like you guys just tripping, i took a test nov 1st and find's out your girl really got pregnant ! lol im excited cause i never thought it could happen cause i had a miscarriage about 3 years ago but im happy and pumped , only 5 weeks so hopefully i can carry full term !! sorry if this is long and probably not the best grammer but im pumped lol