Guy trouble


I started sleeping with a guy i have been in love with for almost a year and a half now. We were sleeping together previously then ended up on a bad note after i told him i had feelings for him. I lost my virginity to him and he was in that stage in his life where he didn’t want to settle down and be in a relationship. I was naive back then and he could tell which is why i think he never saw me more than just booty call. So i grew up and began living my life in the months passing by but still had him written in my heart. Recently, after 11 months, he contacted me again and after a month of talking i ended up sleeping with him again. I just don’t know how to move this from just sleeping together to something else. I’m like lost at what i should do next for him to see I’ve grown up and actually see me as girlfriend material. Idk if i should mention something from the beginning and risk having him leave again or just wait and see what he decides to do.