35+5 and just ready (but definitely don't want her to come until at least 37)

Brie • Wife. Mommy to Pierce 👦🏼 Harper 👧🏼 And Meadow 🌈 5 losses 💔 Hashimotos, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjögren’s, lupus

So I just had my visit with an NST and that all looked "perfect"

My last Makena injection

Gbs swab was done.

Cervix checked, all she said was "no dilation and feeling a little soft" so I guess I'm effacing but not dilating yet.

My son was here at 33 weeks so I feel like this is taking forever, I just want to meet her and getting discouraged that I'll be overdue. I know I still have 4 weeks give or take but it seems like a lifetime.

Anyone else? !