I’ll have to tell him eventually



My husband and I have been trying for baby #2 for a couple of months. We were ecstatic when I got pregnant first try, but in August I unfortunately miscarried 😪 my cycle has since regulated and we’re back at it 🍆 This pass cycle has been weird, I seemed to ovulate after when I normally would. Or it’s possibly what I am speculating to be implantation 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’d typically have started my period on the 2nd, but this app seems to think I wouldn’t start until the 8th due to the possible late ovulation. I’ve gotten faint positives that are getting darker, but I’m waiting for those bold lines before I tell him 😬😩😘

So PLEASE flood me with stories/pictures/ideas of how you announced your pregnancy to your significant other!!!!