No affection

I’ve been married for 2 years now. While dating I couldn’t get my husband (at the time boy friend) off of me. He pleased me in every way. Always trying to kiss and hug me and even showering me with gift often. From 2 years ago from the day we moved in together everything came to a stop. Now if I try to hug or kiss him he says “stop your annoying me” or “get off”. And honestly it hasn’t gotten better. We just had a baby 3 months ago and the frequency intimacy in the bedroom has gotten better. Yet I feel it’s just sex like there’s no love. As if the day he married me was the last day he ever loved me. I know it sounds dumb but I just feel irritated and alone. I just want some sort of affection even if it’s just to kiss me good night or to say I look beautiful. I initiate the affection all the time even though I’m rejected. I really don’t know what happened and after 2 years I have passed desperate, I feel depressed. He says he loves me but I don’t see it.