SO/Grocery shopping


How does your family do grocery shopping. I have been told that how we do it is weird. So after he gets off work we both go to the store together I have a list of what we actually need and we decide our week or next few days as we go along the store if we get an idea we may back track. All I do is push the cart and tell him what to grab. It's like pulling teeth from a horse to get him to tell me what he wants 98% of the time. We of course cut up and have fun. He comes up behind me slaps my ass leans over to kiss me "accidentally" rubs his dick on me to get by😂. He is a man child (BTW he gets home a little late so when we go the store usually only has workers) he don't get inappropriate in front of kids or crowds. I always put things on belt at check out or I do self checkout and then he pays. (the man should always pay even though we have the same money) I push cart to the car and he loads it all in while I get in. He always drives everywhere we go (I suck at driving can't see at night). We get home I open house door and he brings everything in he will not ever let me carry anything. Then I put everything away. I have been told all kind of negative things about us but I like it.