Partner is so fuc*ing lazy !! I'm fed up!!!


So my partner and soon to be a father to my child literally does no house work at all!!

I'm 7mths pregnant, with back aching all the time cleaning all the dishes after his food, cooking dinner for when he comes home , hoovering, washing floors , doing the laundry.. making the bed every morning while he sits and is "tired all the time " while I do nothing and sit on my arse all day 🙄 (yep.. that's what I do)

I literally want to so bad stop doing all of the above and actually sit on my arse all day and see what he says then... 😒😡

He's a manager at a company and therefore travels all over the UK , there's nights he goes out with work mates while he's away and drinks to 4/5/6 am !!! Which to me is absurd..

His excuse "it's work" ... 😞 yeah cause going out till that time getting absolutely smashed is called work..

He then comes back and very rarely do we get to spend full weekends together just me and him. So I've asked if we could spend this weekend and next just ourselves...

Well... he's went to bed early every night ... sleeping on till 2/3pm next day.. while I (once again have to clean his shit up)

When I wake him up saying " your work nights must of been ruff if you have to sleep all day on days where I wanna spend time with you"

So he then goes absolutely psycho on how I never leave him alone , how we have the whole life together to spend time with eachother.. now tired and exhausted he is and he wants to have peace to sleep..

Okay.. left him alone .. he got up and went to the living room and put football on...

While I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner .. walked into the bedroom and booom....

(IS IT REALLY THAT HARD TO MAKE THE BED ??) Curtains not even opened...

Or a washing asked in the bathroom empty ... (but he decides to throw his dirty clothes in the fucking bath!!!)

Seriously?? Is it that hard to throw it into the washing basket ?

not to mention I try to have sex with him an he dosent even take me on as much... ("Of course he's tired ")

He never used to be like this... he used to do all the cleaning , all the cooking... but now he does fuck all.. and still goes mad at me when I ask him to spend some time with me...

(To him me sitting next to him watching football that I have 0 interest in is spending time together ).. 😁

Any suggestions on what to do 😂