relationship help please long post

We dated for a year and have been engaged for four months.

Most of the time I’ve been happy in our relationship, but I feel like I’m moving forward with my life since I’m in my third year of college. He hasn’t started college yet even though we are the same age. In January 2018 I found out he didn’t even get his GED since he was homeschooled. I told him I wanted him to get his GED and he promised he would. That he wants to get it too. But he hasn’t made any efforts to study or prepare or anything. He keeps saying he wants to wait until he gets this settlement from his car accident before going to college or even getting married. He’s literally put his life on hold because of this “promised” settlement he’s been waiting on already two years and the court date isn’t set until May 2019. He works two part time jobs, same ones he has had since he was 16. I just don’t know what to do. I feel like he had no right to propose if he didn’t want to plan a wedding or wasn’t ready to get married.

I felt like he just did it because he knew I was going back to school and wanted to “keep me away” from other guys.

He has been jealous of me spending time at school and with friends this semester but has made no effort to be around my friends or even come see me at school. He’ll come pick me up, if he has his mom’s car sometimes but that’s about it. He complains about driving the 20 mintues to come see me at school, he doesnt have that much gas money. He’ll come to my performances in theater but last night he said thru text “the dancing was good but the singing needs work” and he just left without saying anything to me.

It just seems like he’s been this negative person since I started college again. A year ago he would have dropped everything to come see me.

Now it’s like “only if I have my mom’s car”. And “I don’t have any money”. Btw he does have a truck but he doesn’t like driving it cause it uses a lot of gas.

And I’m honestly soo tired of being the one to plan dates.

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Sounds like he’s a bum that doesn’t want to work on himself and doesn’t like that you’re moving forward with your life. He shouldn’t be anything but loving and supportive of your performance. Drop him and have fun while you’re in college


sanjuu • Nov 4, 2018


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Sounds like it’s hurting his ego that you’re successful and moving forward in life and he’s not. He doesn’t even seem ready to since he’s not making any effort. I’d have a serious talk with him and honestly you might wanna rethink the engagement.


manda • Nov 10, 2018
Stay strong, you’ll be better off focusing on you for now. I’m proud of you for making the right decision even though it was hard.


el • Nov 6, 2018
I ended up ending it today. It was hard but his reaction totally gave it away that this was the right decision


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