Boyfriend won’t see me and I’m unhappy

My boyfriend and I are long distance for 4 years now. We are planning to get a place together in the summer of 2020 when he transfers for work. He lives about 2 hours away and we try to see one another several times a month.. or as much as we can. The past couple of months he’s been crazy busy with work. He got promoted so now has more responsibility. I’m happy for him but it has affected our already minimal time together and I’m so unhappy. I try my best to stay happy but lately I’ve noticed I’ll get angry and start fights over sometimes the dumbest crap.

I recognize it could affect us and I apologize and he says it’s fine but how many times can I push him before he finally says he’s done? 😞 I know he struggles with this too. It’s not easy on either of us. I just don’t want to lose him. We fought on the phone last night and I still haven’t heard from him since. I feel terrible. I don’t know what to do anymore.