🔴Parents meeting my child’s dad RANT🔴

Firstly me and my SO had a rough start we wanted to get married first, buy a house and finish our lives before we brought a new one here. We ended up having an opps baby and he left me because he was scared. We worked everything out and now he’s over the moon excited to meet his son and be a daddy. I’ve never brought him around my family because they are rude as hell and over the top embarrassing. Well 6 months into my pregnancy I Finally let my mom meet him things went great and she loves him. But my dad on the other hand completely annoys me he’s so childish and embarrassing it makes no sense. Not to mention I just met him last year so he’s a stranger to me. At the beginning he told me if I had a boy I’d be clueless because I don’t know a thing about raising a boy well he’s been gone from 2 of his children lives for 20 years and I turned out fine and his son on the other hand has been a criminal since age 12 also he has 2 other sons we just found out about but they live across the states and guess what.. HE ISNT AROUND FOR THEM EITHER! Well he starts to be all controlling and bossy of my pregnancy and telling me what I should and shouldn’t do. How I need to include his side of the family in my child’s life. One day he sends me this long paragraph of how I need to start telling him about my baby, inviting him to things etc all because my mom boyfriend and I went out to dinner for my birthday which he didn’t even text me to tell me happy birthday or anything. So I got pissed and finally said everything on my mind I told him I didn’t want him in the room when I gave birth because I don’t know him, he’s never going to meet my child’s dad because he’s not ready to meet him etc. we haven’t talked since then and I really don’t care. Well my mom decides to take it upon herself go pick my “dad” up from 2 hours away and go up to my boyfriends job so they can “talk” my boyfriend felt beyond uncomfortable I didn’t even know! My boy just called me to tell me.