Planned C-section over breech baby?


I'm just wondering if any of you have heard of this, because googling isn't coming up with much.

Had my 36 week exam the other day and the baby is breech. Apparently all of the fluid is also pooling at the bottom of my uterus. There's enough in there for baby, but it's in a position, according to my OB, that will make ECV very difficult. She's going to check again if the baby's moved, but she's not optimistic and is booking a c-section just in case for 39 weeks.

Basically the way she explained it to me is that she's not at all optimistic about the success of an ECV with the way the baby is currently positioned, the relatively small size of my uterus and the location of the fluid. The procedure would be very painful, in her opinion, and with a small chance of success.

I'm honestly ok with this, I've come to terms with the pros of knowing when the baby will be born and being able to meet her early. I'm just that type of person who wants to know what other people think, especially when there's another option. This is my first pregnancy, so I realize this may mean I'll never get the experience of vaginal birth of any of my children, and a part of me is very sad to lose that opportunity, but I also really don't have a problem going with the Dr. On this.

Thanks for any answers/advice!