Looking for advice please so successfully pump


With my first son I never managed to successfully breastfeed him due to a tongue tie and latching issues. I expressed for a month and got poor advice from a health visitor. I was told that expressed milk did not contain the same fat content as when a baby sucks naturally for it. My health visitor encouraged me to change baby onto formula. Today I still regret this decision.

I have just found out I’m pregnant again. My son will be 2 yrs 9 months when the baby is due. I would like to try and breastfeed but also express as I don’t think I could breastfeed in public. Has anyone successfully expressed with a toddler at home as well. I wonder about how time consuming this is and wonder if I will manage. Could I try expressing from 37 weeks and build up a freezer supply or does it need to be milk rather than colostrum.