For the love of all things holy

Katie • My name is Kate and I just gave birth to our beautiful daughter February 17th 2016. She is our world and we couldn`t feel anymore blessed❤ I am currently pregnant with our July 2018 baby!

So Ive had 2 D & C's due to retained tissue(placenta) one of which they went in with a scope to make sure they got it all. The doc said there was one spot at the bottom of the uterus and the tissue had calcified(ewww) anyway I went to my post op apt at 2 weeks on thursday and with the exception of some slight BV I was good. Fast forward to Friday and I start cramping and passing tissue...what in the hell!? I have been passing a small amount since then. I called the doc and had them order me another US and I swear to god if they didnt get it all Ive already set up and apt at another OB...this is BS! Almost 14 weeks PP! I also wonder if this is my body doing this or the docs. I was told at the beginning of my pregnancy that I had a retroverted uterus(leans back) that mixed with no period because Im EBF I cant help but wonder if thats why its not all out? Im so upset...I feel like the only way to fix this is to start my LO on formula and stop BF so I can get a period and my body can clean itself naturally...Im so over this...I feel defeated😔