Am I wrong to feel this way? (BF gets drunk)


So before my bf and I got pregnant we went out drinking about 3 weekends a month. We were very social drinkers and enjoyed it. Since being pregnant I have of course stoped and have changed my perspective on going out and getting drunk. Him on the other hand still gets hammered every other weekend. To the point he peed himself while stuffing is face when he was dropped off by Uber. I have asked him to slow down and he says he has bc its only every other weekend. I keep reminding him that I don’t want alcohol around our child and he seems to think this 9 months is the time to get it all out of his system. Am I wrong to get upset?

To the point I want to leave bc it’s becoming a problem he can’t seem to get under control! He defended it by saying I just don’t want him hanging out with his friends or it’s bc I need the attention and I don’t get attention when he’s out with his friends. It’s really just the amount that gets me. He can’t just have 2-4 beers and call it a day/night! Could use some help.