

Hello fellow breastfeeding friends!!!

I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate this but I am thinking about supplementing.

Going back to work has really been hard on my milk supply as far as pumping goes and its really stressing me out. I wanted to EBF my LO until he was a year old but he’s almost 3 months now and I didn’t realize how intense going back to work can be. I don’t want to cut out breastfeeding altogether but Im struggling to have enough for him to have everyday. I still want him getting the nutrients and to still have that bonding time but give me a break on the pumping 4, 3 oz bottles for daycare.

What are the best supplementing formulas and my biggest question how should I go

about this?

Should I do 2 BM bottles and 2 formula bottles and then BF while im at home? I just dont know what to do or how to begin..