I want to have another baby, but...


My husband and I have had many discussions about having another baby. However, I think he’s very harsh with our 3 year old now. He has no patience for anything and anything our 3 year old does that’s wrong, my husband acts like it’s totally not normal and he’s the only kid that acts up. He hates that our 3 year old climbs in our bed in the middle of the night. He hates that he’s such a picky eater and that I believe I’d rather see him eating something than nothing at all. So if he eats a bowl of cereal for dinner instead of spaghetti and meatballs, I think that’s fine and he thinks he should eat what’s for dinner or nothing at all. He hates that I give warnings for things like swearing or talking back instead of just throwing him in time out. I believe his constant slips on swear words comes from my household nothing watching what they say. He thinks our son should know that adults can do things kids can’t. If he drinks a beer that doesnt mean our son can, if he swears, that doesnt mean our son can. I’m so torn whether I want to have this battle all over again with another baby but our son is going to be 4 next month so I don’t want to wait too much longer...advice?