After two whole years

Our little firefly is on the way.

So here’s our story.

In 2017ish we found out I have cysts on my ovaries which led to finding out I have PCOS. Well we decided to try but not try for our first baby. After of a year of that we decided to ‘get help’ That’s when we started to do more research and come to find out it is very hard for us to get pregnant. So at the time we were 23 and I figured I start to record my periods and buy some opks and well TRY. As 2018 came the obgyn finally saw me gave me two rounds of clomid but it did not help. As 2018 started to come to an end (Septemberish) I gave up on buying opks and hpt from amazon, I even deleted all of these apps. I started working so that helped distract me from stressing and thinking to much about ‘trying’.

Well when people say ‘stop trying’ yes it’s stupid hard to do. But ladies it’s so true. You just have to do it at your own time and pace. You have to distract yourself with hobbies work or something.

Ladies we got our BFP on the 2nd of November ‘two little faint lines’ and I just finally got my digital ‘pregnant’,‘yes+’. We are beyond excited and happy and well in awe!!

Don’t give up loves just sit back relax and enjoy the ride!!

Even though all of our journeys are different every little detail helps good luck mommas to be!!!