Possible TW: Are those who enable others also at fault?


My husband’s grandmother is in her 70s. She has been over weight her entire life and it’s just gotten worse with age. She has been diagnosed with diabetes and obesity. She cannot walk on her own without assistance or a walker. She really can’t do much on her own anymore due to her weight.

She is currently in a nursing home and her doctors have her on a very strict diet to try and take some stress off her heart. She is at a very high risk for a heart attack.

Knowing this, some of my husband’s family still sneaks her food she’s not supposed to have. Their reasoning is that, “she’s old and stuck in her ways. If she’s going to die, I’d rather her die happy.”

This really upsets my husband because he just wants to see his grandma healthy and happy. He remembers helping her cook at a young age and wishes our kids could do that with her. He feels as though even though his grandma is the one eating the food, the people who bring it to her are also at fault for her health.

So what do you think? Do people who enable others aid in their downfall? Or is it ultimately up to the person to change their ways and get better?

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