Feelings? Shouldn’t I have some type of emotion?

Hey mamas,

Not sure how to begin. I’m five weeks and I don’t “feel pregnant” but I know that symptoms may or may not come because all pregnancies are different. I’ve always wanted to be a mother and now that I’m pregnant, I don’t have any emotions towards this pregnancy and I feel like a horrible person.

I hear stories of women who as soon as they found out, say they fell in love, and they never knew how it felt to love someone they never met, on and on. But I don’t feel any emotion. I’m beyond excited to be starting a family with my husband. I have Pinterest boards, baby books, names picked out, and even get emotional when people tell me they’re pregnant, when I see pregnant women and see babies. I Joined a ton of parenting and baby groups and enjoy them all. We talk about everything from nurseries to college funds. But aren’t I supposed to feel something? Maybe it’s because I have no symptoms yet and I haven’t seen our baby yet on an ultrasound or felt it kick because it’s too soon. Whatever it is, I feel terrible that I don’t have these feelings of love and excitement. Because of the lack of symptoms Due to how early it is I even forget that I’m pregnant sometimes.

Last month we had a loss and I had a lot of symptoms that took me Out of work for days. I felt more of an attachment then, even before the loss. Anyway I’m rambling and I hope all that made sense.

Does anyone understand what I’m talking about? been through this? Any words of encouragement? Both my parents are gone so I’m limited to who I can talk to that will understand...❤️ feel free to ask me questions for clarity.