Alright this is gonna be long so bear with me, (but it’s kind of interesting so you might like it) also don’t be mean. So basically I have had a boyfriend for three years and we love each other but sometimes I feel like a “fool for his love” if you will. Like honestly he’s kind of a crappy boyfriend and does some crappy things. But at the same time, I love him and sometimes he is also a really good boyfriend. I love his family and thinking about not being with him is honestly depressing. Recently I told him that I think we should go on a break because of it, just so he could see what it’s like to be without me. I thought it would help our relationship and be good for us. What ended up happening was I gave him one more day to prove he loved me and he treated me well. So based on this weekend when we see each other, if he is a bad boyfriend we are 100% going on a break. Here’s where it gets interesting. There is ANOTHER boy who has been flirting with me and when he compliments me I say thank you but I don’t compliment him because I have a boyfriend and I know that I would get angry if I were my boyfriend. Anyways, this boy is really nice. He really likes me, and I feel like if I didn’t have a boyfriend then I would probably like him too. Although, I don’t know him THAT well. I don’t know his intentions or anything, and I’m really just stuck. This wouldn’t even be an issue if my current boyfriend treated me good, so that’s what stresses me out. Any advice or just thoughts would be MUCH APPRECIATED THANK YOU