One night stand

There’s a guy I’ve had a crush on for YEARS & we always see each other out, we know a lot of mutual people but never really talk. He ended up being my uber driver so I decided to spark a convo with him. He shockingly opened up to me & told me he’s dealing with a hard break up from a long relationship. I ended up realizing he’s low key weird lol which is fine. We didn’t talk again until last week. I was @ a club he was working @, and I got super drunk and got the courage to talk to him. I ended up proclaiming my love to him & admitting things that should never be said out loud. He thought it was funny & asked why I never said anything. We stayed together the whole night. We exchanged numbers & he asked me to come home with him. I told him I cannot hook up with him because “I’ll fall in love” (he’s a hopeless romantic like me) he said “Let’s fall in love then” I went home with him and we ended up hooking up because I was the one who wanted to ... everything was good but in the middle he stopped & said he “feels bad because I was too drunk” then he went to the end of the bed away from me. He said “we’ll talk tomorrow” but I haven’t heard from him since 😩😭. Do you guys think it was me ? Or why did he stop ?