How to make a relationship exciting again?


My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and almost two months and I really love him. There’s this guy at work that likes me and knows I have a boyfriend and asked another coworker if they think he has a chance with me and they said no because of how serious me and my boyfriend are. They’re right, I’m not interested in the other guy (this isn’t where that’s going lol), buuuut it got me thinking about how fun and exciting it is to like have a crush on someone and be in that “talking” stage and experience a first kiss with someone, all of that and those feelings are so exciting and fun to me and it makes me sad how even though I love my boyfriend and I don’t want to end our relationship, I wish I still felt that excited and fun feeling with him like I did when we were just crushing on each other and “talking” and stuff yknow? Like I know it’s never going to be like that again, but how could we possibly make our relationship a little more exciting and flirty, like keep the spark lit rather than us just milking it. I don’t just want to be in a routine