
I been with my husband 21 yrs I got married young i’m 35 now . We have 5 kids , 3 yrs ago he cheated and he acts like I went out on our marriage so he controls everything i do . If I have a job interview he takes me . If I have to go to the store I have to take one of the kids. Yet, he goes out to horse races and he goes alone drinks with his buddies . My friend told me about a app called whisper lately, I been talking to a paramedic his 38 . The day I started messaging him . My husband kicked me , punched me in the head. I vented to him, but idk 😐 I feel comfortable talking to him but I feel bad for taking to him because I’m still married but i feel lonely. I don’t want a relationship with no one . I’m just talking to him idk if that can lead to something else but for sure not a relationship.


Thanks ladies!! My husband doesn’t know, I’m talking to that guy . My kids 17,15,8, 9 months . My oldest don’t support me in leaving their dad. I have no family or support I’m a stay home mom and waiting on a government job . This is why I’m like sad my kids don’t support me and I really don’t know what to do. The reason we fought is because I got mad he kept ignoring my calls like when he used to talk to that married women . According to him they only talked , but I read the messages when Hacked into his acct . I did that because he wasn’t being himself anymore . That’s when I found out .