Do you see anything?

I feel like i see the faintest line when i look up close or maybe its just my eyes playing tricks on me 😩😭

Anyways my period is 20 days late now and my cycle is at 46 days now which is just crazy. This is the second test ive taken. No sign of any blood at all, yet ive been feeling like ive been about to start my period for the past 3 weeks and had random cramps and have been super tired

TODAY just tonight i had a brown discharge and there wasnt that much but it was there. I realized i had this same discharge 3 weeks ago but it was VERY VERY light to wear i wouldnt even have to wear anything, but tonight i wore a panty liner...And now its stopped.

Im so confused. Ive never had brown discharge like this. Ive spotted before but ive never had a discharge like this.. in color and smell (no foul odor just different)

What do you ladies think 😭😭 help me outt

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