No judgment, just advice. Please.


10 years ago, I made the choice to have an abortion. It was not a decision I made lightly, but I felt it was the best for me. I had no support -from family or the guy, who I had just ended things with and he was moving out of state. He did not want a child and threatened my well-being if I decided to keep it. I was in college, working part time. I did what I felt I had to do. Fast forward, I’m now engaged to an amazing man who knows about my past and still loves me for who I am. I love his family as well, they’ve been so welcoming and accepting of me. However, they are very much against abortion and they voice that very often. They don’t know that I’ve had one, but every time I hear their comments about the topic it makes me want to scream! I talked to my fiancé last night about it, we both agreed that I should tell his family. He says they’ll understand and that they’ll love me just the same, but it really worries me that they won’t. It worries me how they will react. Will they condemn me? Or will they really understand? How do I even start the conversation?