Hoping it's real.UPDATE!


Started having menstrual cramps at about 2:15am had my 37w at 7:45am drove to that appointment with contractions between 2-4mins. I see the doctor she checks me I'm 2.5cm 70% and says im in early labor. I'm now in L&D with contractions every "few" minutes. I'm getting checked in an hour to see if I'm progressing. I hope so!

Update: So at 1045a the nurse checks me and I have went from 2.5cm to 3.5/4cm. Nurses goes to call my doctor who happens to be on call and when she comes back she says "we're having a baby" I get excited me and the hubby start calling and texting family while at the same time she is etting ready to start my IV. Mind you as soon as I got there I told her I am a hard stick (the poked me 22x with my son) well 4 pokes later and nothing she says she is going to call anesthesia to come do it. She leaves and comes back and says well the charge nurse doesn't think we should start you on anything (even after the doctors orders) says she is going to call my doctor because even tho I look uncomfortable with my contractions I am not screaming for an epidural. So they call my doctor and convince her not to send me to a labor room but just monitor me and check me again. Well they send me walking for an got I come back they check me and I am still between 3.5 and 4cm and says well we can keep you and continue to monitor you and check you in 2 hours or you can go home. Contractions are now 5-7min apart but we decided we were leaving because at this point I am just irritated. How do you tell someone we're having a baby and then basically say JUST KIDDING. Ugh I just want her out!