It wasn’t food poisoning 😳


Ok y’all, this is a little embarrassing given this is my second baby but let me tell ya my experience on “false labor” and contractions..

I woke up and 12:30 Tuesday morning sick as a dog and having horrible upper belly pain I couldn’t even keep water down. This went on in waves until about 11:30 that morning, so 11 hours, I finally caved and called my nurse who said go to labor and delivery to get some fluids.

Fast forward to the hospital, before she hooked me up she goes oh there’s a contraction. Hm okay.. so I get hooked up, go through 2 bags of fluid and naseau medication and contractions are every 2-5 mins for the next 8HOURS. Y’all, I had FALSE labor for 23 HOURS before it calmed down. I’m 36 weeks exactly by the way.

Let me also just say it was all upper belly pain. No pressure, no “period type cramps no bloody show nothing to indicate they were contractions.

So morale of the story if you think you have food poisoning probably go to the doctor because it could just be labor 🙄