Colposcopy bleeding, early “period” or something else?

C 💕

I’m not sure what’s going on with me this month lol.

Long story short.

I got colposcopy + biopsy done a few months after giving birth in February. I had spotting for like 2 hours and nothing. My “period” started like normal.

I have been taking my birth control at the same time every day, never missing a day for 7 months or so.

Last time my boyfriend and I had sex was 10-24, i had another colposcopy + biopsy done 10-25, didn’t bleed at all the first day and had spotting the second and part of the third day. No sex for two weeks. Tomorrow is two weeks, we haven’t had sex since the 24th. But since Sunday, I’ve been spotting. It’s bright red, it’s not a lot at all, it’s very little. I have slight cramps but they aren’t nearly as bad as normal.

My last active pill is tomorrow, glow estimated my period starts on Saturday.

Does it sound like my period just came early? Or if it’s just from the colposcopy or???