my birth plan is falling apart idk what to do!


i have been seeing an OB from Denver who travels to my town 4 hours away once a month. i just went to Denver to see the hospital and have a appointment there. my SO other completely freaked out about the traffic and size of the city he doesn't want to have the baby there. plus his family started throwing a fit bc it's so far to drive. they all think i should have it closer to home. i am 34 weeks and i am high risk due to an autoimmune disease. a smaller hospital could be dangerous but if i don't get good carw so could denver. my worry is once i saw denver and how disinterested the dr is that Denver might be more dangerous. this ob has not done anything no measurements and i have to ask him to check my labs or do anything. I'm just a number. to him. do you think its crazy to switch this late i can go to a mid size hospital. i don't feel safe in Denver plus SO and families fit doesn't help!