BFP Chart!


It happened!

After 13 months of perfectly timed EVERYTHING, I finally got my beloved BFP!

Here's my chart:

This was a terrible month of charting for me. My thermometer broke pre-ovulation and I had to wait weeks to get a new one. Then my little family and I went to Ireland two days after ovulation and the time change was....lovely😒.

The only symptom I have had is intermittent nausea the past three days.

I'm 32 and was really beginning to worry something was wrong with me. Weeks ago, I had scheduled a fertility check up appointment because I was so sure my period would come like always and I was at my wits end! I will be keeping the appointment in two days time, but I'm thinking we won't be talking fertility issues!😊

Now to fret and sweat until I reach 2nd trimester, lol!