If my boyfriends friend pays rent, do I have the right to tell her to stop inviting people over on week nights??

So my boyfriends coworker and her son (he’s 2) is living with us right now because her mom kicked her out of the house. I own the house, my boyfriend does not. Neither does she. The house is only in my name until my boyfriend and I get married (he pays the bills right now. Which is only electricity and water because I bought the house in cash and paid it off so we have no mortgage or anything)

BUT she does pay $100.00 a month and buys her and her son their own food and all that. So she barely pays anything. Which is fine.

Anyways she invites people over all the time during the week nights when my boyfriend works early the next mornings and they will stay up and make noise until 1-2AM. My boyfriend says she pays rent so it’s not really fair for us to ask her to stop doing that. But it’s so constant and she’s loud and wakes us up. I never get any sleep now. What would you do? Is it fair for me to tell her to stop doing that even though she does pay $100.00 a month?

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