We broke up for 2 years but never stopped seeing each other (Long But Help!!!)

Me and my ex(gonna call him T) were together for a year, I saw other people, being young my previous relationship was my high school sweetheart for 4 years. Me and T broke up and I saw other people. I loved him, but we were petty and childish. I broke up with him a few months after my dad passed away because I felt like my like was so different and I was trying to get it back and I got back with my ex that I was with for 4 years. I was never happy. I thought about T all the time. Well when me and my ex broke up we started hanging out again, we’ve seen each other these past 2 years to hang, have sex, family get togethers, all that. Well recently it has been CONSISTENT, and we had a talk, he said his focus wasn’t a relationship right now and he doesn’t want that right now but he knows I do. I wasn’t asking that, I was asking what were we doing. I mean he gave me a necklace for crying out loud 😭 he never did that before. He told me he wouldn’t mind getting back together, that he still loves me & always loved me. I said it back and he said he hopes I stick around. And that a title doesn’t mean everything if we are spending time, seeing each other, etc. Well.. he invited me over again for another gathering and I found myself in the kitchen with his mom discussing us being together and she said I really hurt him, he always watched my social media, and that he’s not going to jump back into anything because what if it happens again. That I’m the only one he talks to(they are extremely close, that’s something I do love about him) and that I’m the only one who comes around. She also said I shouldn’t be focusing on a title, but I’m not I was just wondering. She said he said we have a great relationship now and we get a long and asked why would he want to jeopardize that. I feel like we are both jeopardizing something because I want to work on getting back together. I mean this guy holds me through the night, randomly kisses my face and gives me 100 kisses literally, takes care of me when I’m sick, comes when I call him, dependable, loving, it just hurts & I’m going INSANE!! I feel kind of awkward now because I brought the subject of getting back together up. I apologized the other day for hurting him, and I told him I know how that feels and I’m sorry but he brushed it off.. he said “it’s okay it was a long time ago its fine” 😢