Cried while my bagel toasted...


Sooo I was feeling better Tuesday and was hopeful my morning sickness was FINALLY gonna start winding down...boy was I wrong. Yesterday I felt gross the entire day and it continued into this morning. After dry-heaving into the toilet 7 times this morning, I popped my routine bagel in the toaster and cried my eyes out in frustration. My dogs were staring at me like “wtf?!” I’m good about eating even when I don’t want to and I haven’t thrown up much, but that doesn’t mean my stomach and gut don’t feel so utterly disgusting on a daily basis. I’m going on about 2 weeks of this (I’m 8w2d preggo) and I seriously can’t wait to start to enjoy being pregnant. Aside from seeing Junior for the first time Tuesday on the US, nothing about this pregnancy is fun. Upvote if you are in the same boat!

p.s. My husband has been amazing, picking up the slack big time around the house and trying to make me feel better. Love that man!