How to breakup with my Boyfriend of 2 years despite promising him a forever?


We were very young when we got together. I was 14 & he was 15. I’m 16 now and he’s 17 and we’re still together, we didn’t take any breaks in the relationship either.

All these thoughts about unhappiness started when I realised he still cared about an ex of his 6 months ago. Since then he’s changed so much for the better because he realised he almost lost me and told me he loved me too much to lose me ever again (he texts me more, spends money on me now, tells me he loves me all the time)

Anyways, He is constantly scared of my feelings have decreased and I always try my best to assure them they haven’t. But I’ve just realised that maybe they have..

I feel like a complete jerk. An asshole. A betrayer and someone absolutely terrible. I know it’s not my fault I’ve started to feel less enthusiastic about our relationship but I can’t help but feel horrible about it. I use to find his jokes funny and amusing but now I at times find myself forcing out laugher.

When his finger hurts I ask if it’s alright but I feel like he’s making a bigger deal out of it than it actually is when back when we first started dating, I was always so worried and always asking if he’s alright :(

I don’t want to feel this way. I hate it. I promised this boy I would be with him forever. I promise him he would be the Father of my kids.

But to tell him my feelings have faded and that I’m not as happy as I use to be is so fucking hard because he’s the type of person who cannot take emotional stress at all. He’s constantly upset about small things and I understand that’s because he’s extremely sensitive and feels more than some.

Please help me out here, I really don’t know how to tell him. I’ve been committed to this boy for 2 years and to be the one who may just break it apart sucks for the both of us.