Boyfriend Cheated


My boyfriend of almost 6 years has cheated on me 3 times in the last 3 years. I just found out he has cheated on me a 4th time, but this time it was physical. He has had sex with her for the last 6 months 3 times. I found out by seeing it on his phone that he had a second Facebook account. He broke down when I found out, and told me he knew it was wrong. He said he would spend the rest of his life making it up to me, and making sure I get what I deserve here on out. The past times he cheated he would make me feel like it was my fault because he wasn't happy or I apparently wouldn't let him have friends with 18 year old girls when he is 25. He does not believe words are a form of cheating, and that they have to have physical contact for that to be true. This time, however, he is actually giving the 100% I've always dreamed off, and treating me like a complete queen. He has been super patient, and emotionally supportive. He is quitting his job that he started 3 years ago, when all the cheating started, and already seen recruiters wanting to join the military so I can teach overseas in different locations like I have always wanted to. (He has always wanted to enlist anyways) He has even brought up marriage which is something we both have never really cared for or wanted due to the hassle of it all. This is all happened in the last week almost two weeks since I found out. I am scared. I don't know what to do, it all seems fast, but change is needed because this has really fucked me up mentally.

We live together, everything we own was bought together, and we have five cats we treat and acknowledge as if they are our children.

What would you guys do? I am lost. I don't even know where to start or whether to stay or leave. My heart is completely torn.