My boyfriend checked out a girl in my face

Just read I guess.. every time something happens or I have an argument whether it’s my boyfriend or family I write and write and write all I’m feeling. But this really bothered me.. please read and give me advice.. I didn’t even edit anything I just typed and typed. Idk.


I do apologize for not being clear enough and please do excuse my airheadedness (not a word, I know) I was in a tough spot at the time and was only typing to myself and did not think I was going to post screenshots for the world to see. I wasn’t worried about what I was typing. When he checked her out there was nobody else around and if there was, there was no man in her direction. Of course nobody likes when their man looks at another girl but my deal was he did it right in front of me. If he’s with his friends, cool I really don’t care much because that IS what guys do.. but that’s just something you don’t do in front of your own girlfriend. i do understand you all and I am taking this all into consideration and that is why I asked for advice/feedback.. I just thought I could release on here and feel a little better but to be honest I feel a little more shitty but maybe that’s something I just have to deal with.. thank you all