Iud copper fell off? Anyone else???

Joanna • 24year old. Married w/the love of my life for 4 years and our beautiful two girls! Just trying to get by without getting pregnant until I`m ready for the next one 😋
I'll try explaining this as short as possible. Lol. I have a six year old and a six month old daughters Six weeks after I had my six year old I got the para guard iud due to the fact that I'm not a fan of hormones. I lasted two years with the iud in me. Reason for it removed is it was actually falling out from in me lol. Crazy but true. And painful. Lol. Anyways. I decided to try again with the iud couple months ago when I was six weeks postpartum. Last month I started having really bad sharp pains all the time on my uterus. I went for a check up for the pain and on the ultrasound it showed my iud totally out of place so I had to immediately have it removed, again. Jeez. Well my question is has anyone one else had any of these iud problems. I loved being on a bc that I didn't have to worry about being preggo or taking something every day. And not being on hormones was a plus. So I am dissapointed in my body : ( And I'm wondering if anyone else has had this happened...and if you have What's the cause? And what kind of bc are you using now. 