Feeling unappreciated!

My partner makes me feel unappreciated and I feel like I get hardly any respect. I've told him before how it makes me feel yet he continues to act in the same manner. For example, he complains that I never help with the house work, he's a neat freak so even when I do it's not done right and he has to redo it to his standard I get home from an arvo shift at 11.30pm and clean the house from top to bottom and still don't get a thank you. He complains about the 2 chipped coffee cups we have so I throw them out and buy more but they aren't good enough. He worked night shift last night and didn't come home this morning and works in a different town. No text or call to let me know where he is only for me to find he decided to go to the pub after work with his mates. Is it really that hard to let me know where he is or that he got home safe? 
Anyway how can I get him to respect and appreciate me?