Please don’t judge 😞


Please don’t judge for a few reasons:

1. This post may be a bit lengthy.

2. I waited all day to ask this question because the sleeping pills I just took are the only things that give me the thought process to be extremely honest with myself. (And others.)

3. On the story/question it contains. Thanks! :)

I love my husband more than anything. And I am so freaking lucky in the bedroom department. He is very well endowed, and he almost always does all the work. Plus he loves looking at my ass! 😍It’s the best sex I’ve ever had and probably could ever have.

I know I don’t contribute to the deed because honestly I get so flustered by what’s going on to me that I can’t even think what I could possibly do to him to make him feel as good as I do. I don’t have great muscles in my legs, I’m trying to slim down. Idk.

Anyways, my question is;

What can I do to make him enjoy it more? He is super into it the whole freaking time and I go off several times. But then HE can never finish.

He has said things to infer (in a way less asshole version) “you’re the reason I can’t come.”

Help me, please :( TTC 12 months and I feel undesirable :(