I'm Frustrated! (long husband rant)

Janel • 41 y/o FTM trying to figure it all out
I'm 38 (39 in a week) and my DH is 42. We were married last December; neither of us had any kids, and we agreed we wanted to ttc. He didn't want to try too early after the wedding, so he suggested August. My Dr. said if I wanted to get pregnant at my age, then just start, so I went off BC in March. Nothing happened until June, so I stared getting serious and bought OPKs, which lead me to find out I don't ovulate every month (confirmed by a really off cycle and my Dr.). After AF ended in July, I was determined to get this right (after all, he did say Aug. in the 1st place! ) I charted my temps, did OPKs everyday since Cd10, checked cm and cervical positron, the whole 9...and this month I ovulated! What happens when I tell him? Nothing. He suddenly is tired of BD'ing (we had been doing it every 2 days), and he avoids me to the point of sleeping on the couch last night. I'm glad we BD'ed the morning of my positive OPK (turned positive that evening), but I'm sure my window is closed. I'm just do frustrated and confused by his behavior. Rant complete.