Okay So...


Okay so this is the backstory... I started dating this amazing guy about a month ago. I know that’s not that long but it’s one of those connections where it feels like we’ve known each other for years. So he is the most amazing and kind and cute guy I have ever met, he just has the most beautiful soul and the kindest heart. I know this seems stupid but I just need somewhere to rant. So earlier today I wanted to ft and he left me on read then I couldn’t text him for a while Bc I was busy but then he texted back like a half an hour ago. So I asked if we could ft Bc I missed his face. He responded with can’t rn I’m playing xbox. Fr he plays more Xbox then any guy I have ever met and it’s not like he’s this nerdy gamer guy he’s just normal. And then he was like I can call u at like 10:30 at that point I just said goodnight Bc I don’t feel like reserving time to talk to my bf. So there’s my rant I just had to get it out there. It’s just stupid and I’m on my period and prolly overreacting but yeah