Rude doctor.

Kyra • Heart warrior mama of baby boy born 27 June 💙💙💙

So I’m young I’m 19 and my partner is 23. We’ve been together 4 years.

We had been discussing potentially having children next year when we found out I was pregnant (we’ve been using condoms)

I’m currently 5w6d and had my first doctors appointment.

My doctor was unbelievably rude and I left crying.

I’m taking prenatals we both have stable jobs and just because I’m 19 and it wasn’t completely planned he’s STRONGLY encouraging abortion and keeps mentioning how I’m single when I’m NOT.

And I’m just so frustrated all the family I’ve told is very excited but now I’m just questioning everything.

I don’t want my entire pregnancy to be like this.

I’m seeing a different doctor for my next appointment but he is the same age (old) and fro mother same place so I’m worried that the experience will be the same.

I’m also sad that I can’t get an ultrasound until 11.5weeks.