Antepartum Depression?


Ok so I’m coming here for any insight on this because there is a wide variety of ladies on here who have seen it all! My little boy is 2 1/2 (going through terrible twos for sure). During my pregnancy with him and after I was so incredibly happy! I’m currently 22 weeks with our baby girl 😍🙌🏻 and I feel off. I don’t know if it’s depression or the start of it or just having a toddler and being pregnant! Recently I have been very down on myself. Frustrated incredibly easy and I want to cry because I feel like I’m worthless and I don’t deserve my children or my husband & I feel anxious occasionally. I DO NOT have suicidial thoughts or thoughys of harming myself, my baby or my little boy. My husband has recently started a job that takes a lot more of his time. Could all this be the start of PPD or is this just hormones that I didn’t have during my first pregnancy? I am still so so so excited for this baby and I love love feeling her kick and talking to her and about her and I want to meet her ASAP! So that is not the issue, I’m just looking for a bit of advice I guess. Thanks ladies who have read this far! I was kind of all over the place. 😘